5 Best Practices to Keep Your Carpets Looking Great!

You can always do a search for carpet cleaning Yuma, AZ when you need professional cleaning services. This should definitely be a part of your home care a couple times a year. But what about in between those deeper cleans?

Check out these 5 best practices to help you keep your carpets looking great!

1. Run the Vacuum Often

Staying on top of vacuuming is one of the best things that you can do for your carpets. This is the simplest way to keep dirt and debris at bay in the carpet layers. Even when there isn’t a lot of traffic, it’s easy for dust, pet dander, pollen, and other particles to find places to hide in the carpets. Then, when there is foot traffic or kid and pet traffic, those things get ground down into the carpet.

Over time, it builds up and looks grungy. Make it a point to vacuum at least once a week if possible. And it’s perfectly ok to vacuum daily if you can.

2. React Fast to Spills

Accidents happen, and it’s inevitable that your carpet will see spills or accidents of some sort. The key to avoiding lasting stains is to react quickly when an accident or a spill occurs. But don’t rub at that spot on the carpet!

Grab a towel, paper towel, or cloth, and just dab until you’ve dabbed up most of the moisture. You want to do this immediately when the spill happens, or as quickly as you can. You should also use a gentle cleaning solution or spot treatment that won’t harm your carpet.

3. Check That Snag

When your carpet has a snag, these are unseemly. And if that snag gets caught on something, it could start an unraveling mess. Don’t pull the snag, as that will lead to bigger problems. But if you want to improve the look or avoid the snag accidentally getting pulled, you can trim it.

Grab a good pair of scissors and trim off the snag as close to the carpet as you can. This makes the carpet look better overall and prevents the snag from turning into a big run in the carpet.

4. High-Traffic Management

Manage the high-traffic areas, as these are where you will notice soil and damages the most. If nothing else, stay on top of cleaning and refreshing those highest-traffic areas in the home. Being proactive with regular cleaning, stain removal, and even deep cleaning in these spaces is crucial to keeping your carpet looking great!

5. Deep Cleaning is a Must

Finally, you’re going to need to find that carpet cleaning Yuma, AZ solution. Once or twice a year, you should plan to hire a professional carpet cleaning service to help you deep clean your carpets.

The professionals have specialized equipment and cleaning solutions that will work down into the depths of your carpet and get the build-up beneath the surface. They can treat stains, refresh your carpets, and make your carpets look great in the process.

Call Semper Fi for Your Carpet Cleaning Needs

When it’s time to clean your carpets, we’ve got you covered. Contact Semper Fi Floor Care & Restoration to find the best solution for your carpets. We offer a variety of solutions tailored to your needs and budget.

Call Us Today! (928) 388-9413