The Best Way to Handle Stains on Your Carpet

If you have tough stains or dirt on your carpets, hiring a carpet cleaner in Yuma is the best way to get rid of those stains. It is essential to know how to handle stains and when to bring in professional cleaners.

There are certainly some things you can do on your own, but not every stain will go away using a DIY solution. In this guide, we share some tips for the best ways to handle stains on your carpets.

Respond Quickly to Stains

One of the most important things to know is that the faster you can react to a stain, the easier it will be to clean it up. If you take action immediately when something spills, you are far less likely to have a lasting stain.

The longer you take to respond, the more time the stain has to soak into the deeper layers of the carpet. So grab a towel, some paper towels, water, and a gentle cleaner right away and work on the stain. If you’re quick and do it right, you might not even have a lasting stain!

Avoiding Rubbing and Scrubbing

It’s first nature to see something that needs to be cleaned up and instantly start just rubbing at it with a towel. But don’t do that when you have a stain. Rubbing a stain on the carpet, or trying to scrub at it, might actually make it worse.

Instead, what you want to do is blot at it. This is going to take some time and you may need to change out towels repeatedly. Blot and press, rather than rubbing. This helps to soak up whatever is on the carpet.

Start with blotting at the mess first with a dry towel. Blot repeatedly and soak up as much moisture as you can. Follow up with a gentle cleaner and a paper towel or fresh towel. Continue to blot and soak up moisture. The cleaner should help pull stain particles up as well. Finish up blotting with a clean paper towel.

The key point is to soak up as much moisture as possible, but don’t rub the spot!

Not All Stains Are the Same

There are many different types of stains. Unfortunately, they are all different and require unique approaches. These are some of the most common stains on carpets:

  • Pet Urine
  • Blood
  • Wine and Juice
  • Candle Wax
  • Chocolate
  • Tea or Coffee
  • Dirt
  • Gum

What works for one stain may not work for another. There is also the case that some stains are much darker than others. It is critical to use the correct approach for the stain you are facing.

Hire a Carpet Cleaner in Yuma for the Toughest Stains

When it comes to fighting challenging stains, you can hire a professional carpet cleaner to help. It’s a good idea to have professional carpet cleaning done a couple of times a year. The professionals will have specialized cleaners and the expertise to lift those stains and get your carpets looking great again.

Contact us at Semper Fi and let us help you take care of your dirty carpet or carpet stains. We’re here to help!

Call Us Today! (928) 388-9413