4 Signs You Might Need Professional Carpet Cleaning

It can be challenging to know when you need to do some extra cleaning and when you need to hire a professional. Professional carpet cleaning isn’t something you have to use all the time. However, it can be a really great resource when you need a deeper cleaning. Most professionals recommend that you get your carpets cleaned professionally at least once a year. In some cases, you may need 2-3 times a year, depending on your situation. If you plan for once a year, you can always adjust from there.

Not sure how to determine when to hire the professional service? Take a look at these four tips for some additional insight!

1. The Carpets Look Dirty Right After Cleaning

One of the best signs that it’s time for a deeper clean is when your everyday cleaning just doesn’t seem like enough. If you vacuum frequently, that’s a great way to keep the surface clean. But even with routine vacuuming, there is still dust, dirt, and other debris deep within the surface of the carpets.

When you start noticing that vacuuming the carpets simply isn’t refreshing them, it’s time to schedule a professional cleaning. Another sign might be if you just vacuumed yesterday but the carpets already feel dirty a day later. These are some indicators that you need a deep clean.

2. Staining on Carpets

Stains on carpets can be hard to deal with. Even if you are quick and efficient at cleaning up a stain, they sometimes return later on. If you’re seeing signs of old stains, call the professionals. And if you have a fresh stain that you just can’t seem to get rid of, you can call the professionals for that, too. It’s probably time for a deep cleaning anyway, right?

Professionals have specialized cleaning equipment that will tackle that stain in no time. And professionals who do it right will specially treat any visible stains before they proceed with cleaning.

3. Do You Smell That? Time for Professional Carpet Cleaning

If you’re noticing odors and you’re not really sure where they’re coming from, there is a good chance it is the carpet. The thing is, a lot of gunk can build up beneath the surface of the carpet. Did you know that your carpet can hold several POUNDS of crumbs, dirt, dander, and more? Things like sweat, dirt, pet odors, and other minuscule items are eventually going to lead to odors in the carpet.

Get them cleaned and notice a much fresher smell!

4. Noticeable Allergies or Asthma Symptoms

Finally, if you’re noticing that your allergies or asthma symptoms seem to be getting worse, this might be a good sign to clean the carpets. All that debris that we talked about sitting within the carpet layers could be causing your allergies to be more uncomfortable. Cleaning the carpets and upholstery will probably go a long way in helping you get some relief.

Call Semper Fi Cleaning & Restoration for Your Professional Carpet Cleaning Needs

If you notice any of these signs, it’s a great indication it’s time to clean the carpets! We can help. Contact Semper Fi to get your carpet cleaning scheduled.


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