Cleaning Services in Yuma, AZ

Cleaning the floor with a machine.

Keeping your home or business clean isn’t just about appearances but health and comfort. In Yuma, AZ, where the dust and heat can bring challenges, you need a partner who understands how to keep your space pristine. Semper Fi has been a partner for local property owners for over a decade. 

We know how frustrating it can be to find reliable cleaning services that meet all your needs. No one should have to settle for a space that doesn’t feel comfortably clean. That’s why our team is dedicated to providing top-notch cleaning solutions. Get our services today and guarantee a cleaner tomorrow!

Our Cleaning Services in Yuma, AZ

At Semper Fi, we offer a comprehensive suite of cleaning services designed to address every corner of your property. Reach out if you’re looking for:

Carpet Cleaning

Our carpet cleaning services in Yuma, AZ, go beyond surface stains. We dive deep to remove allergens, dust mites, and embedded dirt, leaving your carpets looking fresh.

Upholstery Cleaning

Furniture is a haven for dust and allergens. Our upholstery cleaning in Yuma, AZ, revitalizes your furniture, extending its life and improving the air quality in your space.

Tile and Grout Cleaning

Tiles can lose luster over time, and grout can become a breeding ground for mold and mildew. Our tile and grout cleaning service restores the beauty of your floors and walls, making them shine like new.

Experience the Difference with Semper Fi

At Semper Fi, we take pride in our work and strive for excellence with every job. Our team is trained, experienced, and dedicated to providing the best cleaning services in Yuma, AZ. But what sets us apart?

  • Experienced cleaning professionals
  • Customized cleaning plans tailored to your needs
  • State-of-the-art cleaning technology
  • Dedicated customer service

Getting Started with Semper Fi

Ensuring a clean space doesn’t have to be complicated. With Semper Fi, you only have to:



Reach out to us with your cleaning needs.



We’ll craft a personalized cleaning plan.



Sit back and relax as we make your space spotless.

Achieve a Healthy, Clean Space in Yuma, AZ, Today

Don’t settle for an area that doesn’t feel clean or comfortable. You and those around you deserve a space that promotes health, safety, and peace of mind. Semper Fi is here to help you achieve precisely that. 

With us, you get more than just a cleaning service; you get a partner committed to your comfort and health. Contact us today to schedule an appointment or learn more about our services.

Low Section Of A Person Cleaning The Carpet With Vacuum Cleaner In Living Room

Contact Us Today To Schedule A Quote !


Call Us Today! (928) 388-9413